Monday, 7 May 2012

Research Assignment - Natural Disasters

In week 7 all W2 students need to present to the class a 3 minute power point presentation based on the 6 questions they designed during week 2. They will be graded on quality of presentation, quality of power point, and quality of research. Parents and other teachers are more than welcome to come and watch these presentations.
Monday - Kate, Brennan, Ryan,  Brad, Hannah, John, Jessie
Tuesday - Amy, Ray, Oliver, Lorna, Bree, Hayden, Hayze
Wednesday - Rangi, Olivia, Emmarina, Shania H, Taine, Kyle, Oceania
Thursday - Kristin, Shania M, James, Jason, Sophie, Josh, Christie


  1. It's really hard because when i try record my voice, i end up mucking up, but i'll get there. ♥

  2. can I go on Wednesday please Mrs Harvey :D

  3. Well I Have Just Changed My Topic And I Am Glad I Did Because It Is Going Great!! But I Don't Want To Do The Speach!!

  4. I still need to get information ;)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. i reckon that my assignment is going alright i think i am on the right track :D

  7. Im going really good because i am done with my notes now i am just doing my powerpoint so yeah good

  8. I think Ive made a really good start, and I cant wait to get home and finish... :)

  9. i got quite alot of useful information that i needed. im scared for the presenting though even though its ages away ♥

  10. Mine is going really good!! My Powerpoint is getting ready and I have lots of notes to get my speech ready!!

  11. I basicly just started my powerpoint and I'm still completing my notes but everything is going ok I think...

  12. i got alot of infomation from mrs marcoses about a snow strom in canada about 5-10 years ago :)

  13. Im going good! Can't wait to start my power point.

  14. I am doing ok. I still need to find answers to some of my questions. I haven't started on my speech or power point.

  15. I think I did really well :D can I please go on Wednesday Please PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

  16. It is all going to plan and not much information.

  17. I am doing great but I need to concentrate=)

  18. i got alot of reasearch down that i needed and i just cant wait till i present it to the class yayyyy

  19. I'm off to a sig sig start ay brain

  20. I did well but could of got more information.

  21. to be honest im really scared of doing the speeches . like i hate them alot and i think i got some good info with hayze but im still scared at doing it

  22. I learnt lots of informashon about earth quakes

  23. I am going great there are many great sights so thats a big positive. SWave SwAvE !!
